A discarded plastic bag filled with another man's life, revealed through a collection of family photographs.

A park bench, an open book left on the seat, three framed prints on the wall, a blackboard...

A curated selection of photographs sharing moments from Another Man's Life are brought to you in this intimate installation, along with your own 'souvenir' newspaper.

Rather than using these found photographs to piece together a puzzle for an unknown protagonist, Dada Collective explores our common need to punctuate and archive moments in our lives.

In this new installation by Dada Collective these elements function as a catalyst for exploring our acceptance of the photograph as a memento and aide memoire.

Stripped from any personal emotional attachment we can look at these photographs dispassionately and to see them for what they are, at times funny, intimate, charming, telling or even surreal.

A glimpse into someone else’s life that is fundamentally no different from our own.

Dada Collective is made up of a small anonymous group of outsider artists that come together at points to work on specific projects.

With an ethos best summarised by Kurt Vonnegut's simple phrase 'so it goes' (Slaughter House Five 1969), Dada Collective explore this 'world weary' notion of the human condition in which everything appears to be both accepted and dismissed.

These investigations reveal themselves in distilled and sparse installation-based work that is often poignant, perceptive and irrelevant.

Jealous Gallery
27 Park Road, Crouch End
London N8 8TE United Kingdom
Ph. +44 (0)20 83477688

Opening hours
Thursday - Saturday from 10am to 6pm
Sunday from 11am to 5pm