The realistic work of the fine painter Thom Boekhoven is centralized around still life’s. His still life’s conjure up an atmosphere of tranquility. He does not avoid complicated actions of light and always looks for the most beautiful solution.

His subjects are selected with the most care. He portrays them with great attention and a perfect feeling for an expression of substance. In his work, the painting of light is of great importance. This is achieved with great precision in mirror images, reflections and shadows, which give the paintings their reality.

World famous logos are the icons of our time. The logos and colours have been carefully designed and are known by all. But when the contents have been used, we find the packaging and with that, the image brand of the icon in the bin or the gutter.

The icon so well known to us, is now a crumpled up piece of rubbish. This contradiction is a frequent occurrence in our society. Through this, Boekhoven looks for parallels in our existence. Like the transience of life, fame and power can be very temporary.

Albemarle Gallery
49 Albemarle Street
London W1S 4JR United Kingdom
Ph. +44 (0)20 74991616

Opening hours
Monday - Friday
From 10am to 6pm