Timeless Matter explores the life and transformation of ordinary objects as fragments of the imagination. For the very first time, Colin Sherrell and Todd Pavlisko are showcased at the gallery.

The raw simplicity and scale of Sherrell’s work complement the intricate and detailed craft of Pavlisko’s use of retail tag fasteners. Uribe constructs landscapes of color with architectural layers of color pencils, while Esquivel takes us to “Never Upon a Time,” where he tells us the story of how man realized that the sky was not the limit anymore. Through her visual vocabulary of comic fragments, Murua teaches us to see the riotous freedom to play. Taken together, these artists express how individual fragments become timeless matter when configured in masse to unleash that whole, greater reality of the imagination—that intelligence at play.

Obsession is a word that can have either a positive or negative connotation. "Timeless Matter" is an exhibition that channels the energy of this psychological emotion into the use of everyday materials, such as pencils or comics. Through the familiarity of the materials used by the artist, each piece will take us to unknown places hidden in our emotions (obsessions), but at the same time very familiar ones...

Now Contemporary Art
175 NW 25th Street
Miami (FL) 33127 United States
Tel. +1 (305) 5718181

Opening hours
Tuesday - Friday from 10am to 6pm
Saturday from 10am to 4pm